Battery temperature
The mower is lifted
The mower is blo-
Possible cause
The temperature of the rechar-
geable battery is too high/low
or the controller is overheated
- If the battery temperature
exceeds 65 °C, the robot
lawn mower will return to the
charging station (19).
- If the battery temperature ex-
ceeds 45°C or drops below
0°C, charging will be stopped
and the robot lawn mower
will wait at the charging stati-
on (19).
- The lifting sensor has been
continually tripped for 10 se-
- - The obstacle sensor has
been activated several times
in one minute
- The obstacle sensor has
been constantly activated for
10 seconds
- The obstruction sensor has
tripped three times on the
way back to the charging sta-
tion (19)
- 59 -
- Set the work time in summer to the early
hours of morning and avoid running the
robot lawn mower during the hours of the
day when it is hot.
- After the battery or controller has cooled
down to the permissible temperature
range, the robot lawn mower will automati-
cally return to programmed operation.
Press the STOP button (3) in order to open
the display cover (23). Re-start the mowing
operation on the control panel (2):
- If this fault occurs frequently, check the
mowing area for obstacles taller than 10
cm and either remove them or cordon
them off from the mowing area with mag-
netic tape (27).
Press the STOP button (3) in order to open
the display cover (23). Re-start the mowing
operation on the control panel (2):
- Check whether the robot lawn mower
is blocked by an obstacle or jammed
between trees, bushes, etc. Remove the
obstacle or avoid this area.
- If this fault occurs frequently, check the
way in which the guide cable (24) has
been laid. Pay particular attention to tight
angles, corridors, fences, rocks, etc., and
adjust the layout of the guide cable (24) if
- Check whether the grass is too tall and
blocks the robot lawn mower. If this is the
case, mow the grass to below 60 mm.
04.10.2024 10:05:51
04.10.2024 10:05:51