mowing area. It is also possible for the lawn
boundary to be edged in with fl at path stones
to create a clear separation from the mowing
Lawn boundary with water
As a general rule the robot lawn mower will re-
liably recognize the lawn boundary as descri-
bed above. However, given the possibility that
the robot lawn mower will overrun the lawn
boundary we recommend a gap of approx.
50 cm between the lawn boundary and any
water feature (a pond, pool, etc.) (Fig. 5c). Al-
ternatively we recommend isolating the water
feature with a raised all-round edge in order to
protect the robot lawn mower more reliably.
Lawn boundary with a raised edge higher
than 25 cm
The robot lawn mower can use the distance
sensors (16) to recognize obstacles with a mi-
nimum height of 25 cm (Fig. 5d). You can also
use high obstacles to demarcate your lawn
boundary. The robot lawn mower will stop at
a distance of approx. 20 cm in front of the
obstacle and turn so that it can continue mo-
wing in another direction. Important! - This
means that the robot lawn mower does not
mow as far as the lawn boundary but leaves
an area of approx. 20 cm unmowed.
Lawn boundary with a raised edge higher
than 10 cm
The robot lawn mower can use the collision
sensors to collide with obstacles below 25
cm. This function can also be used to defi ne
a lawn boundary. In this case make sure that
the edging is sturdy and at least 10 cm high
(Fig. 5e).
5.7.2 Obstacles
Obstacles are objects situated in the mowing
area. The robot lawn mower can recognize many
obstacles by means of the sensors. Soft, unstable
and valuable objects must be protected where
necessary. See the possibilities described above
for separation from the lawn boundary.
Obstacles with a height over 25 cm (Fig.
Solid obstacles which are over 25 cm in
height and have a minimum width of 3 cm,
e.g. trees, walls, fences, garden furniture, etc.,
are detected by the distance sensors (16). If
the robot lawn mower comes up against an
obstacle, it will stop and continue mowing
in a diff erent direction. In this case the area
stretching approx. 20 cm to the obstacle will
not be mowed.
Obstacles with a height under 25 cm (Fig.
If an obstacle is not recognized by the dis-
tance sensors (16), the robot lawn mower will
collide with the obstacle and trigger the colli-
sion sensors. The robot lawn mower will stop
and continue mowing in a diff erent direction.
The obstacles must have a height of at least
10 cm. Protect sensitive and unstable objects
with all-round edging.
Stones and low obstacles under 10 cm
Stones, rocks and low obstacles of less than
10 cm in the mowing area need to be protec-
ted because otherwise the robot lawn mower
could run over them. If not, this could result in
the robot lawn mower getting damaged or blo-
cked. (See the section "Lawn boundary").
The robot lawn mower treats trees as obsta-
cles. However, where any tree roots project
above the ground to a height of less than 10
cm, the area in which they are located needs
to be protected. This will prevent damage to
the roots and to the robot lawn mower.
5.7.3 Magnetic tape (Fig. 5h-l)
Obstacles such as fences and hedges which
poorly refl ect the distance signal transmitted by
the robot lawn mower are not detected in part
or only very late. Obstacles with a weak optical
contrast relative to the mowing areas can also be
diffi cult to recognize. Such areas can be protected
by magnetic tape (27) as a safe and contact-free
means of getting the robot lawn mower to change
its direction.
The magnetic tape (27) serves as a mobile and
temporary boundary in the mowing area. The
magnet sensors installed in the robot lawn mower
detect the magnetic tape (27) and turn away at its
limits. In this way you can separate off parts of the
garden which are off limits, for example:
Short-term separation of a part of the garden
for a garden party where the robot lawn mo-
wer is not allowed to enter.
Placement of a trampoline or swimming-pool
in the mowing area over the summer months.
A recently planted tree is still very sensitive
and is best protected at an early stage from
collisions with the robot lawn mower.
A seasonal flower meadow is planned to
attract insects. This area is off-limits for the
robot lawn mower and needs to be protected
from the outset.
A new lawn has been sown in one area and
you want to protect this area initially. The
subsoil is still not firm and you want to wait for
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