Use of this equipment adjacent to or stacked with other equipment should be avoided
because it could result in improper operation. If such use is necessary, this equipment and
the other equipment should be observed to verify that they are operating normally.
The device ensures indication only and is not intended to provide monitoring or alarm
functions in a life-sustaining context. The monitoring functions may fail without producing an
unacceptable risk. Therefore, the device does not contain any essential parameters required
to be maintained under fault conditions.
Portable RF communications equipment (including peripherals such as antenna cables
and external antennas) should be used no closer than 30 cm (12 inches) to any part of
the MediVital®E, including cables specifi ed by the manufacturer. Otherwise, degradation of
the performance of this equipment could result. E-GAUGE in MR environment
MediVital®E pose no hazards in a specifi c MR environment under the listed conditions:
The valve is 40 cm away from the magnet opening
The MR strength is 3 Tesla or less
The cylinder to which the valve is fi tted to is MR safe or MR conditional and the specifi c
conditions related to the cylinder are adhered to
The MediVital®E Bluetooth module is permanently on. Check if no interference is seen on the
Radio frequency scans performed on MR start up or on the MR scans
These conditions have been tested with a Siemens Magnetom Trio (3 Tesla) and Siemens
Magnetom Avanto Fit (1,5 Tesla). Display description
Display the data during the fl ow outlet in operation
Display the data at zero fl ow
Remaining time is calculated based on the current fl ow
control head position until pressure in the cylinder reachs
15 bar. This parameter is regularly updated.
Bar graph corresponds with current pressure in the cylinder.
Actual pressure in the cylinder.