No modification to the device or its accessories is authorised.
This device cannot be attached to an extension cord or a multi-socket
Always use the device with the adaptor provided or any other compatible
system as specified in the manual.
The adaptor constitutes the network dividing device and must always be
easily accessible.
Be aware that the external envelope of the central case can reach a
temperature of 49°.
II. Use
A. When can I use my Luminette®?
1. To treat SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)
Do you lack energy and motivation? Have difficulty getting up in the morning?
Feel like hibernating? Constantly snack? Have lowered libido? If so, you could
be suffering from SAD, also sometimes called «winter blues», which results from
lower light levels in autumn and winter.
We advise a light therapy session as soon as you wake up in the morning.
2. To fight fatigue and get energy back
Luminette® reproduces the beneficial power of daylight and stimulates special
receptors in the eye to trigger the body's energising response to light. This helps
you to fight energy dips, to feel more energetic, active and alert, and to improve
your mood.
We advise a light therapy session as soon as you wake up.
3. To treat circadian rhythms sleep disorders
Some sleep problems result from a phase advance or delay in your
biological clock.
In which case, light therapy could be the solution.