Once you have completed downloading the pump software to your smartphone, access the direct connection menu of the Esybox Mini and press
the appropriate button to transfer it to the product:
Product menu with an Update available
Once the update has started, the pump will show the status on the display, which will end with "Done!" and will restart immediately afterwards.
If the update is unsuccessful, the Esybox Mini you were trying to update will restart with the previous software version, so you can repeat the operation.
9.1 - Inhibiting self-priming
The product is made and supplied with the capacity of being self-priming. With reference to
par. 2.1.2, the system is able to prime and therefore operate in whatever installation
configuration chosen: below head or above head. However there are cases in which the self-
priming capacity is not necessary, or areas where it is forbidden to use self-priming pumps.
During priming the pump obliges part of the water already under pressure to return to the
suction part until a pressure value is reached at delivery whereby the system can be considered
primed. At this point the recirculating channel closes automatically. This phase is repeated each
time the pump is switched on, even already primed, until the same pressure value that closes
the recirculating channel is reached (about 1 bar).
When the water arrives at the system intake already under pressure (maximum allowed 2 bar)
or when the installation is always below head, it is possible (and mandatory where local
regulations require it) to force the closure of the recirculating pipe, losing the self-priming
capacity. This obtains the advantage of eliminating the clicking noise of the pipe shutter each
time the system is switched on. To force closure of the self-priming pipe, proceed as follows:
1. Disconnect the power supply;
2. empty the system (unless you decide to inhibit self-priming at the first installation);
3. remove the drainage cap on Face E, taking care not to drop the O-Ring (Fig.19);
4. with the aid of pliers take the shutter out of its seat. The shutter will be extracted together
with the O-Ring and the metal spring with which it is assembled;
5. remove the spring from the shutter; insert the shutter in its seat again with the respective
O-Ring (side with gasket towards the inside of the pump, stem with cross-shaped fins
towards the outside);
6. screw on the cap after having positioned the metal spring in side so that it is compressed
between the cap itself and the with cross-shaped fins of the shutter stem. When
repositioning the cap ensure that the respective O-Ring is always correctly in its seat;
7. fill the pump, connect the power supply, start the system.
Button to start the update
Figure 19