Motor direction of rotation
The direction of rotation of the motor when looking at the motor housing lid or motor shaft end is
clockwise (to the right) for the VivarA M and anti-clockwise (to the left) for the VivarA S. The direction
of rotation is indicated on the motor housing lid.
Operating conditions
Number of switching cycles
When connected directly to the mains, the pump must not be switched on and off more than four
times per hour on the mains side. If the pump is switched on directly via the power supply, it starts
up with a delay of approx. five seconds. If the pump must be switched on and off more than four
times per hour, use the input for external OFF (see Section 5.9.3). If the pump is switched on or off
by an external OFF switch, it starts immediately.
Media temperature
-25 °C to +120 °C/+140 °C
The maximum permissible media temperature depends on the type of shaft seal and pump type.
Depending on the pump application and cast iron design, the maximum permissible media tem-
perature may be limited by locally applicable regulations and legal requirements. See also Section
2.3.1 "List of media".
If the pump is used to pump media with high temperatures, the service life of the
shaft seal and sensor may be reduced.
Ambient temperature
8.3.1 Transport temperature
-10 °C to +50 °C
8.3.2 Storage temperature
+10 °C to +40 °C
8.3.3 Ambient temperature during operation
-20 °C to +40 °C
At 50 °C, the motor can be operated with the rated output power (P2). However, continuous opera-
tion at higher temperatures leads to a reduced service life. If the motor is to be operated at ambient
temperatures between 40 and 60 °C, a motor with greater power must be selected.
Operating pressure
The maximum permissible operating pressure is indicated on the nameplate (6 bar, 10 bar or
16 bar).
PN6 > 6 bar
PN10 > 10 bar
PN16 > 16 bar