Table continued from last page
hth - Hob-to-hood
pairing (RF)
Hood control
hSt- Hob-to-hood
(Synchro Start Level)
Hood Start Level
hSc- Hob-to-hood
(Synchro Control,
response Level)
Hood response Level
hSP- Hob-to-hood
(Synchro Stop Level)
Hood Stop Level
btP - Bluetooth pairing
Bluetooth device
btC - Bluetooth clear
Bluetooth clear paired
FIr - Display firmware
Firmware version
FoA - Firmware update
over the air
Firmware update via
If you own a compatible hood with RF connectivity, you can pair it to your
induction hob! To do so, set this parameter to on. Hood control icons will
start blinking. You now have 5 minutes to activate the pairing on your RF
hood. Once the hood is paired to your induction hob, the hood control
icons will stop blinking.
This setting allows the induction hob to automatically activate the lights of
the connected hood every time the induction hob is turned on.
Depending on the value you set, the ventilation will automatically start at
that speed level when any cooking zone is activated.
This setting allows the induction hob to automatically activate the lights of
the connected hood every time the induction hob is turned on. While on,
the hood will be controled automatically depending on the current highest
activated cooking level. If you manually change any hood related settings,
the hood turns to manual control for the rest of this cooking session.
The response level can be set: L3 (high), L2 (medium), L1 (low), off.
This setting allows the induction hob to automatically deactivate the lights
of the connected hood every time the induction hob is turned off.
Depending on the value you set, the ventilation will switch to that speed
level and stop with a delay.
To pair a Bluetooth device, set this setting to on. You now have 3 minutes
to pair a new Bluetooth device to this induction hob.
To unpair, all the Bluetooth devices set this setting to Clr. All your
connected Bluetooth devices are now unpaired.
To display the current software versions of the hob. The UI software version
and the Celsius°Cooking
To receive firmware updates for the cooking hob, you need to be paired
to the cooking hob via the mobile app. You will receive a notification, or
you can check available firmware updates on the mobile app menu for
In order to start the firmware update via the mobile app, set this setting to
on to confirm your presence at the cooking hob. For more information, see
chapter "ConnectLife and Wi-Fi". After 10 min, this setting is automatically
reset to off.
software version will be shown in alternating