The disinfection temperature and relative times are set in the "For serviceman" menu (refer to "9.2 Service parameters table" on page 117).
Fast DHW (Fast Dhw)
Menù Hp > Dhw settings > Fast Dhw
DHW electric heater
Menù Hp > Dhw settings > Tank Heater
In case of simultaneous cooling / heating and DHW request, to guarantee both services, the heat pump will work for the plant and with the TBH electric heater for
DHW pump (Dhw Pump Circ)
Menù Hp > Dhw settings > Dhw Pump Circ
The pump will run for a preset time defined in the "For serviceman" menu (refer to "9.2 Service parameters table" on page 117).
8.5.4 Options
Silent Mode (Silent Mode)
Menù Hp > Options > Silent Mode
Level 1, silent
Level 2, extra silent
It is possible to program 2 activation time bands (Timer 1 and Timer 2).