Select the consistent Watt program by pressing WaTT within the training menu.
Set WaTT on the Tablet iConsole
100 Watt is the default Watt level. This is shown by the left meter on the screen. By
pressing TarGeT WaTT the output can be set (see description set CUSTOM HrC under
HrC). It is also possible to set the TIMe, DISTanCe and CalOrIeS. (see description set
values under PrOGraM)
The TarGeT WaTT is displayed in the left meter on the screen. This output is the
trainings goal. The meter in the middle shows the current resistance level (1-16). The
meter at the right of the screen is displaying the CUrrenT WaTT and displays the
current output. When the CUrrenT WaTT drops below the TarGeT WaTT the resistance
will automatically be increased. When the CUrrenT WaTT tops the TarGeT WaTT the
resistance will automatically be decreased.
The GYM CenTer will shown additional (purchased) items of the iConsole
smartphone needs to be connect to the internet.
Set IrOUTe on the Tablet iConsole
Press IrOUTe in the bar and a menu will pop up where you can set your own route.
Press Plan MY OWn rOUTe. You will see a map with a bar on top where you can enter
an location. It is also possible to create a route by using two location points. Press and
hold your finger for one second on the map and a green pin will appear. This is your
starting point. Press and hold again to place the finishing point displayed by a red pin.
60 - Flow Fitness PERFORM S3 - User Manual
app. A great free addition could be IrOUTe. To use this addition your tablet or
Set WaTT on the Smartphone iConsole+ app
Set your preffered trainings duration and press done. The default
WATT level is 100 displayed in the top left corner of the screen.
By pressing TarGeT WaTT the consistent WATT level can be
changed. After pressing a keypad will appear. Press the X to
erease the current value and then set you preferred value.
Press the PlaY button in the bottom left corner of the screen to
start the WATT program.
Set IrOUTe on the Smartphone iConsole
Press IrOUTe in the bar and a menu will pop up where you can
set your own route. Press Plan MY OWn rOUTe. You will see a
map with a bar on top where you can enter an location. It is also
possible to create a route by using two location points. Press and
hold your finger for one second on the map and a green pin will