With the QUICk STarT program you don't have to set anything except the resistance. The values TIMe, DISTanCe and CalOrIeS will increase during the
training. The resistance on the tablet can be increased or decreased by "swiping" the brown lever up or down. For the phone app press the red ribbon to
make the resistance slider appear.
PROGRAM - Preset training programs
The PrOGraM contains several preset training programs. The resistance varies according to the selected profile. There are 12 profiles in total. Browse
trough the profiles by "swiping", until the preferred training is found. Start the training by pressing the preferred profile.
Set a PrOGraM with the Tablet iConsole
When you have selected the preferred profile a few values have to be entered: TIMe,
DISTanCe and CalOrIeS. If no values are entered and start is directly pressed all
values will increase. Every 2 minutes the program will go to the next phase.
The values can be entered individually by pressing the wrench next to the value.
When you have selected the preferred profile a few values have
to be entered: TIMe, DISTanCe and CalOrIeS. If no values are
entered and start is directly pressed all values will increase.
Every 2 minutes the program will go to the next phase.
The values can be set independently. First TIMe will appear. The
value can be entered by using the keypad. By "swiping" the TIMe
Set a PrOGraM with the Smartphone iConsole
User Manual - Flow Fitness PERFORM S3 - 57