NC-foutmeldingen | Lijst met NC-foutmeldingen
HEIDENHAIN | TNC7 | TNCguide | 01/2022
Error message
Starten van python-script '%1' mislukt
Cause of error
In de machineconfiguratie zijn ongeldige parameters voor
het python-script gedefinieerd.
Error correction
- Machineparameter 'parameter' in config-object CfgSoftke-
yOverlay corrigeren
Error message
Er bestaat geen verwijzing naar OPC UA-namespace %1
Cause of error
The entities CfgOpcUaObject and CfgOpcUaPlcVar with the
following keys do not refer to an existing OPC UA namespa-
ce configuration:
The nodes stated and all child elements will not be created.
Error correction
Check the withinNamespace attribute
Error message
Verwijzing naar OPC UA-oudernode %1 bestaat niet
Cause of error
The entities CfgOpcUaObject and CfgOpcUaPlcVar with the
following keys use the attribute parentNode to refer to a
parent node that does not exist:
The nodes and all child elements will not be created.
Error correction
Check the parentNode attribute
Error message
Ongeldige waarde voor nodeIdIdentifier %1
Cause of error
nodeIdType was set to Numeric
in the configuration datum
However, the value entered for nodeIdIdentifier is not a
numeric value.
The node and all child elements will not be created.
Error correction
Check the nodeIdType and nodeIdIdentifier attributes in the
indicated configuration datum