Error message
Axis in motion
Cause of error
Possible causes:
- The axis to be checked is still in motion
- Another axis that belongs to the same axis group as the
axis to be checked is still in motion
Error correction
- Press CE to acknowledge the error message and bring the
axis to a standstill
- Then check the axis
- Inform your service agency
Error message
Internal software error
Cause of error
You checked an axis while another axis was still being
Error correction
- Conclude checking of the first axis before checking another
- Inform your service agency
Error message
Checking of axes of different axis groups
Cause of error
You checked two or more axes at the same time even
though they belong to different axis groups
Error correction
- Make sure that all internally monitored axes of a gantry
combination belong to the same axis group
- Inform your machine manufacturer
- Inform your service agency
Error message
Actuele regel niet gekozen
Huidige regel (%1) niet geselecteerd
Cause of error
Na een onderbreking van de programma-afloop kan de
besturing vanaf het punt, waar de cursor zich momenteel
bevindt, de programma-afloop niet voortzetten.
Error correction
Selecteer het gewenste punt waar het programma moet
worden voortgezet met "GOTO" + regel nummer, of met de
functie mid-programma opstart.
NC-foutmeldingen | Lijst met NC-foutmeldingen
HEIDENHAIN | TNC7 | TNCguide | 01/2022