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Maintenance Schedule; Maintenance Work; Visual Inspection Of The Cable Holders (Biners) And The Wiring (Traction Cable) - Homa TP 50 Originele Handleiding

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Beschikbare talen

A test run or function test of the machinery must only
be carried out according to the general operating con-
Oil type: Biodegradable HOMA ATOX. Used oil must be
disposed of properly. When using white oils, please ob-
serve the following:
For refilling and/or initial filling, only operating fluids
by the same manufacturer may be used.
Machines that were previously operated with other
operating fluids must be cleaned thoroughly before
they can be operated with white oils.

6.2. Maintenance schedule

Before commissioning or after prolonged storage:
Testing of insulation resistance
Fill level check of the seal chamber
Axial face seal must be checked for damage.
Check of the power input and voltage
Check of the used switchgears for resistance, sealed
space control etc.
Every six months:
Visual inspection of the power supply leads
Visual inspection of the cable holders and the wiring
Visual inspection of accessories, such as for example
suspension device, lifting devices, etc.
1,000 operating hours or after every six months, whi-
chever is earlier:
Monitoring the current consumption and voltage
Checking the used relays for posistors, sealing room
monitor, etc.
Visual inspection of the power supply cable
Visual inspection of the cable holder and the cable
Visual inspection of accessories, e.g. the suspension
device and hoisting gears
3,000 operating hours:
Visual check for pumps with oil barrier chamber
Visual check for pumps without oil barrier chamber
8,000 operating hours or after 2 years at the latest:
Testing of insulation resistance
Operating fluid change in seal chamber
Inspection and repair, if necessary, of the coating.
Functional test of all safety and monitoring systems.
15,000 operating hours or after 5 years at the latest:
General factory overhaul
When used with highly abrasive and/or aggressive
media, the maintenance intervals shorten.

6.3. Maintenance work

Check of the power input and voltage
The power input and voltage for all three phases must be
checked regularly. In normal operation mode this remains
constant. Slight fluctuations depend on the properties of
the pumped medium. Based on the power input damages
and/or malfunctions of the impeller/propeller, bearing and/
or motor can be detected and repaired early. Major sec-
ondary damages can be prevented with this and the risk
of a total failure can be reduced.
Check of the used switchgears for resistance, sealed
space control etc.
Check the used switchgears for correct function.
Defective devices must be replaced immediately,
since the do not ensure protection of the machinery.
Instructions for the test procedure must be followed
(operating instructions for the respective switchgears).
Testing of insulation resistance
To check the insulation resistance, the power supply cable
must be disconnected. Then, the resistance can be mea-
sured using an insulation tester (measuring DC voltage is
1000 volts).
The following values must be met:
During commissioning, the insulation resistance of 20 MΩ
must be met or exceeded. For additional measurements,
the value must be larger than 2 MΩ. Insulation resistance
is too low: Moisture may have penetrated into the cable
and/or the motor.
Do not connect machine; consult the manufacturer!
Visual inspection of the power supply leads
The power inlet leads must be inspected for bubbles,
cracks, scratches, scour marks and/or crushing zones.
If damages are detected, the damaged power inlet lead
must be replaced immediately.
The leads may only be replaced by the manufacturer
or an authorised/certified service workshop. The ma-
chinery must only be started after appropriate repair
of the damage!
Visual inspection of the cable holders (biners) and the
wiring (traction cable)
If the machine is used in basins/shafts the hoisting wires/
cable holders (biners) and the wiring are subject to con-
stant wear and tear. Regular inspections are required to
prevent a complete wear and tear of the hoisting wires/
cable holders (biners) and/or wiring and a complete dam-
age to the power cable.
The hoisting wires/cable holders (biners) and the wir-
ing must be replaced immediately if there are slight
signs of tear and wear!
Visual inspection of accessories
The accessories, such as for example suspension devic-
es, lifting devices, etc. must be checked for correct fitting.
Loose or defective accessories must be repaired/replaced
Visual check for pumps with an oil barrier chamber
Oil Level
Please take the precise filling quantity from the spare
parts list or make a request to the manufacturer.



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Tp 53Tp 70
