The noise emission levels
specified in these instructions
have been measured in
accordance with the stan-
dardised measuring proce-
dure specified in ISO 15744
and can be used to make
equipment comparisons . The
noise emission values vary
in accordance with the use
of the compressed-air tool
and may be higher than
the values specified in these
instructions in some cases . It
is easy to underestimate the
noise emission load if the
compressed-air tool is used
regularly in a certain manner .
GB │ IE │ NI
For an accurate estimate
of the noise emission load
during a certain working pe-
riod, the times during which
the appliance is switched off
or is running but not actually
being used must also be
taken into consideration .
This can significantly reduce
the noise emission load over
the total working period .
General safety
instructions for
air tools
For multiple hazards: Please
ensure that you have read
and understood the safety
instructions before adjust-
ing, operating, repairing,
maintaining or replacement
of accessories on the mini
die grinder as well as before
working in the vicinity of the
machine . Failure to do this
can result in serious bodily
injury .
PDMS 6.3 A1