2 I N S T R U C T I O N S ( D E P E N D I N G C H O O S E N O P T I O N S )
3 C O N T R O L S C R E E N 2 ( T E M P E R AT U R E S E T T I N G )
In this screen you can set the desired burner temperature. Move the control
stick upwards (raise temperature) or downwards (lower temperature) to set the
desired temperature. Increase/decrease can be done in steps of 5 °C. Turn off
the burner immediately: Move the control stick quickly up / down. Minimum
value 0 °C - Maximum set point: depending on the factory setting. Operate to
the left: return to the main screen (at each other screen, same principle).
Operate to the right: navigate to the next operation menu (at each other screen,
same principle). At the top right, the current temperature is visualized and at the
top left the burner indication.
4 C O N T R O L S C R E E N 3 ( E N G I N E S P E E D S E T T I N G )
In this screen you can set the desired engine speed.
The basic setting at the start is set at 50%.
Pay attention: If the key contact is put into position
"ON" , the engine speed is not adjustable.
Start the key contact by before the engine speed is adjustable! Move the control
stick upwards (increase speed) or downwards (lower speed) below to set the
desired engine speed. Increase/decrease in steps of 10%. Minimum value 0%
- maximum value 100%. At the top right, the current pressure is visualized.
DiBO 24