9. | Working with the mega macs X Calling Up Manufacturer Campaigns
You need an online connection to access the manufacturer campaigns.
Proceed as follows to retrieve manufacturer campaigns:
1. Select Information > Manufacturer campaigns in the App launcher.
ð Data download is in progress.
2. Select the requested criterion under Criteria selection.
3. Repeat step 2 for another selection if necessary.
ð Data download is in progress.
9.5.15. Recall campaigns
This menu contains the recall campaigns of manufacturers and importers.
Recall campaigns aim to protect consumers against unreliable products. Models affected by a recall campaign from within
the last 2 years are identified by a
Hella Gutmann Solutions GmbH is only a supplier of these contents and is therefore not responsible for its exactness,
correctness and reliability. Please direct potential questions regarding the scope and handling directly to the authorized
repair shops/manufacturers. For reasons of liability, the Hella Gutmann Technical Help Line does not provide information
on this matter. Calling Up Recall Campaigns
You need an online connection to access recall campaigns.
Proceed as follows to retrieve recall campaigns:
1. Select Information > Recall campaigns in the App launcher.
ð Data download is in progress.
2. Select the requested recall campaign in the left drop-down list.
9.5.16. Advanced driver assistance systems
Here you can find an overview of the advanced driver assistance systems that are actually installed in the selected vehicle.
Once the corresponding system is selected you have access to the required data and information.
Hella Gutmann
mega macs X