Hella Gutmann
2. Call up the website of Hella Gutmann.
4. Select the tab >DOWNLOADS<.
5. Click to >Software – PassThru<.
ð The window HGS PassThru Setup is displayed.
6. Save the PassThru setup.exe with >Save file<.
ð A target directory is suggested for the files of the PassThru setup.exe. If you wish to have another target directory
then select a suitable directory. At the end of installation, the files will be copied into the selected target directory.
7. Save the PassThru setup.exe with >Save<.
ð The PassThru setup.exe will be saved in the target directory.
8. Click the PassThru setup.exe in the target directory.
ð The window HGS PassThru Setup is displayed.
9. Select the requested language with
10. Confirm the selection with >OK<.
ð The selection will be saved automatically. The setup wizard of HGS PassThru is displayed.
11. Click >Next<.
ð The general terms and conditions (GTCs) appear.
12. Read the GTCs and confirm them at the end of the text.
13. Click >Next<.
ð Select a product to be able to install the HGS PassThru Setup software successfully.
14. Select >mega macs X<.
15. Install the product with >Install<.
ð Installation is started.
16. Wait until installation is finished.
17. Click to >Finish<.
ð A link to HGS PassThru will be automatically created on the desktop.
ð Installation of the software is hence finished.
mega macs X
Installation of the HGS PassThru Software | 5.