4.4. Delete users
There are two ways to remove users from the control center:
the owner of the system (user marked in red) can remove any other user from the system by clicking on this user
and the "Delete user" button.
Any user can delete themselves from the system by clicking and holding on the relevant control panel in the control
panel overview and then confirming the request to delete.
The owner of the system can only remove himself from the system in the second way (delete control
panel from control panel overview). Once the owner has been removed, the role reverts to the installer.
The installer can mark this as the new owner by inviting a new admin.
5. Communication
The Comfion security system has the following communication channels:
E-mail, push, SMS, phone call & control centre connection (SIA)
Under the "Users" menu item, you can select which notifications are to be sent for
each event for each user created.
Your telephone number for SMS & telephone calls and your e-mail address for notifications
are stored in your account. You can change these at any time. To do this, go to your
control panel overview and click on the cogwheel in the top right-hand corner. You can
now assign the notification phone number (please include the country code e.g. +44) and
the notification e-mail address.