The PH pole is for patient self assistance in the stretcher and is supplied with
an ergonomic plastic handle and adjustable strap.
To fit:
Insert the pole into one of the accessory sockets at the head end of the deck.
To adjust the PH handle:
Press the blue button on the PH handle to adjust the strap length. Release
the button to set the selected strap length.
The 100kg PH
Please see PH Pole Instructions for use (M799-63) for
further information.
WARNING: The safe working load of the oxygen cylinder carrier is 10kg
for the A size and Inhalo cylinder carriers, 15kg for the D
size cylinder carrier and 20kg for the HX/F size and E size
cylinder carrier.
WARNING: Take care whilst handling the O2 cylinder holder with a
cylinder loaded. Do not tip the holder as this may allow the
cylinder to slide out.
WARNING: Assisted loading and unloading is recommended for HX/F
and E size oxygen cylinders.
WARNING: Always ensure adequate clearance for cylinders and
regulators during the decks full range of motion. Large
regulators or regulators that sit outside the bounds of the
carrier could become damaged when deck is lowered if
clearance isn't checked.
Three sizes of oxygen cylinder carriers are available for either
(Australian "C" size), D size or an Inhalo cylinder. Each can be installed into
any of the four accessory sockets.
To fit the carrier and the oxygen cylinder:
1. Insert the oxygen cylinder carrier into one of the accessory sockets.
2. Insert the cylinder into the carrier.
Please see Oxygen Cylinder Carrier Instructions for use
(M799-59) for further information.
The HX/F and E size oxygen cylinder are a factory fitted op-
tion located on the bogie.
pole is always positioned above the mattress
M9 Transfer Instructions For Use (M999-190, Version 1, 2022-04)
Press to
Figure 30. PH handle
Figure 31. Oxygen cylinder carrier
a NZ "A" size
Figure 32. HX/F or E size Oxygen cylinder