Avoid ditches, holes or potholes. One of the front wheels can end up abruptly in a hole
that causes the wheelchair to unexpectedly tip over. The disproportionate amount of
force on one of the front wheels might also damage the suspension. So be careful and
choose a safe route.
The electric wheelchair is intended for use on a hard, level surface. It is more difficult
to keep a course on roads slightly banked. The slope should not exceed 3° (Figure
Figure 58:
Going up a curb onto a
• The bank slope must not exceed 3°.
If the bank angle is bigger there is a
risk of tipping over with the electric
• If you walk up a slope, pushing can be
tough. If the pusher wants to pause,
apply the parking brake.
• Be very careful when walking down a
slope. The pusher must brake gently to
prevent it from going too fast.
• Be sure not to drive on steep slopes.
Figure 59:
Getting off the pavement
Figure 60:
The maximum bank angle
is 3°.