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Section 3
VDM300 Vapor Delivery Module
3-2-1 Start-up (Normal Mode)
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When Pin 3 of the DB-15 on the VDM300 is grounded, the VDM300 goes
into the Start-up sub-mode to prepare for Normal mode. Depending on the
state of the VDM300 (temperature, water level, etc.) when the Normal
mode signal is given, it will take between 5 and 55 minutes to complete the
Start-up sub-mode. The Start-up sub-mode functions as follows:
1. Pin 3 of the DB-15 is grounded by the user: This signals the VDM300
to begin normal operation in the Normal mode. This pin must remain
grounded to keep the VDM300 in Normal mode.
2. The VDM300 checks the tank water level: The VDM300 will take one
of two courses of action once the water level is determined:
• A VDM300 that has an empty tank will open the MFC to the
outlet fitting and evacuate the tank. A source of vacuum (<200
torr) at the outlet fitting needs to be provided for the tank
evacuation to happen. The VDM300 will keep the MFC open to
the outlet fitting for 90 seconds to insure that the tank is
completely evacuated. Then it will close the MFC and open the
water inlet valve to fill the tank with Dl water. Make sure that the
DI water source is connected and pressurized to 10-40 psig.
• A VDM300 that has been installed and has been previously
operated on a tool could possibly have some amount of water in
it. The VDM300 checks the water level in its tank and will fill it as
needed. Make sure that the DI water source is connected and
pressurized to 10-40 psig.
3. DC Heater is turned on: The DC heaters will come on the moment
that the Pin 3 of the DB-15 is grounded and begin heating the internal
MFC to its nominal operating temperature.
4. AC tank heaters will come on when water is detected in the tank: The
AC tank heaters will activate as soon as water is detected in the tank
and begin warming to nominal operating temperature.
5. The VDM300 completes the Start-up sub-mode: Completion of the
Startup sub-mode occurs once all the proper operating conditions have
been met. The proper operating conditions are as follows:
• The water level in the tank is at normal operational level
• The tank temperature is at operating set point and stable
• The MFC temperature is at operating set point and stable
As stated prevíously the Start-up sub-mode can take from 5 to 55
minutes to complete. This is due to the fact that it takes some time for
the VDM300 to reach operational temperature which is required for the
proper delivery of water vapor. A VDM300 will require 55 minutes to
complete the Start-up sub-mode when:
• lt has just been installed; all internal temperatures will be at room
ambience and the water tank will be empty
• lt has been in ldle Mode or powered down for longer than 30
minutes (typically) and/or the water tank is empty
For most other situations, however, the VDM300 will compute a shorter
time to complete the Start-up sub-mode. This computed time depends
upon the deviation of the MFC temperature from its operational set
point. Some example situations where the VDM300 will typically
compute and execute a shortened Start-up sub-mode time are as
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B210AAG
August, 2017


