7. O P E R AT I N G T H E V O L C A N O H Y B R I D
Filling Chamber and Cap as well as
the Tube Kit may be easily disassem-
blend and reassembled for cleaning
in a few seconds. (See Chapter 7.8.2.
"Disassembling and Assembling the
Filling Chamber Cap", 7.8.3. "Disas-
sembling the VOLCANO HYBRID Fill-
ing Chamber", 7.8.3. "Assembling the
VOLCANO HYBRID Filling Chamber",
as well as 7.8.5. Disassembling and
Assembling the Tube Kit", starting on
page 78. Filling Chamber and Cap
Components as well as the Tube Flex-
er and the Mouthpiece may also be
cleaned in a dishwasher. However, the
Screens and the Filling Chamber Rings
are too small and could get lost.
Surface changes can occur in the Fill-
ing Chamber Cylinder and Dosing Cap-
sule Adapter in a dishwasher.
Before assembling allow all compo-
nent parts to dry properly.
Manual cleaning with isopropyl alcohol
(70 %) or detergent
Isopropyl alcohol is
½ . gg.PLÜ.&Kg.ßÜ.VoLß
The safety instructions fur-
nished by the manufactu-
rer of the isopropyl alcohol
must be observed!
Do not immerse plastic parts
in isopropyl alcohol for more
than half an hour. Prolonged
contact with isopropyl alcohol can
lead to color changes or embrittle-
ment of the plastic parts.
After cleaning, check all component
parts for surface damage, tears, soft-
ening or hardening, impurities, distor-
tion and discoloration and set dam-
aged component parts aside.
7.8.1. Cleaning of the Heating
Hot surface of the
Filling Chamber
Caution! Hot surface!
cool down completely before
starting the cleaning process.