7. O P E R AT I N G T H E V O L C A N O H Y B R I D
Tie the Balloon tightly closed at one end
As the opening of the Balloon is much
wider than the diameter of the Valve
Housing, the Balloon must be neatly
gáPFpF 1á ¼ 1 BáPF 1vp ázpéMéc Mé1á
folds. Then pull the Balloon Fixation
Ring approximately 3 cm (1.2 inch)
over the open end of the Balloon and
then pull the Balloon Fixation Ring with
the Balloon over the Valve Collar until it
¼ 1 4Mé1á1vpMé1péFpFéá1.v
Attach Balloon to Valve
Adjust the folds equally around the
Valve Collar making sure that the Valve
hangs straight down when the Balloon
is held at the end.
Bend the protruding end of the Balloon
back. Secure the Balloon by pulling the
Slipring over both the Valve and the
Balloon Fixation Ring so that the Bal-
loon Fixation Ring is no longer visible
and the protruding end of the Balloon
points backwards.
Align Balloon to Valve
Fixing the Balloon with the Slipring