5 . FA C T O R S I N F L U E N C I N G VA P O R I Z AT I O N
on the taste. If no more vapors form at
maximum temperature, the vaporiza-
tion material is completely used up and
must be replaced with fresh material.
However, for the best aroma results it
is advisable to replace the vaporization
material before this point.
5.1. Using the Valve Balloon
When using the Valve Balloon, it is
important to observe the formation
ág41pl,MéM1T¼ é p2vM1p7lzáógppP4
very comfortable when inhaled. As the
vapor gets denser the taste can get too
A very high intensity (density) of the va-
por can lead to irritation of the respira-
tory passages from the concentration
of the aromas and fragrances. In this
case, the temperature should be low-
erd, so that the intensity of the vapors
is reduced.
Watch vapor density
1YoV&bY&ÜOÜVV.-ßYb¼ L LYkÜN.LyÜs.L
Pááé.á,zPp1pP3K1M4ág1pé4ü¾ . Mpé11á
¼ P PáéP3vlPgáóp7péPp441vlévlPgág1vp
Valve Balloon in order to achieve the
desired results.
The Valve Balloon is not suitable for
storing vapors over a long period be-
cause the vapors condense on the
Valve Balloon Jacket over time (a few
váüó4AéP3¼ P P1vpl,áüé13áü2lé11á
inhale within 10 minutes.
5.2. Using the Tube Kit
The VOLCANO HYBRID can also be
used with the enclosed Tube Kit for
direct inhalation. Further details on us-
ing the Tube Kit are described in Chap-
ter 7.7. "Tube Kit", page 75.
5.3. Breathing Technique
The device is not to be used, if
the user has respiratory tract
or lung conditions. Depend-
ing on the density, the vapor could ir-
ritate respiratory tracts or lungs, which
can lead to coughing.
Inhale only half the amount of air
you can normally manage. Hold your
breath for a few seconds and then
exhale slowly. It is advisable to delib-
erately concentrate on your breathing