This service information describes the connection of the IntelliBridge to the Open Interface device.
Data communication
The IntelliBridge EC10 module supports RS232 serial data communication with the following
specifications for connection with the external device:
• 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, or 19200 baud signaling speed
• 8 character bits
• 1 stop bit
• No parity generation
• No parity checking
RS232 parameters must be set and verified according to the Open Interface device service manual by
authorized personnel.
Instruction for connection
Select the correct IntelliBridge EC5 ID module. This is labelled: "Open Interface", with the option
number - #101 to #106 - according to the instructions for use of the external device that are supplied
by the manufacturer of the device.
Connect the IntelliBridge EC5 connector to the external device as described in the instructions for use
of the external device that are supplied by the manufacturer of the device.
Make sure to tighten the screws of the connector properly.
For further service information, refer to the patient monitor service guide.
Service Information