The screen is divided into three
Z1. Activation status of the components connected to the board of the internal unit (red on indicates
active status):
• pump:
• DHW pump:
• Heater 1:
• Heater 2:
• DHW 3way valve: 3-way valve
• DHW ext heater: DHW domestic hot water accumulation electric heater
• DHW comp:
• Ext boiler:
• Alarm:
• Pump speed:
The outputs can be modified from the display if the heat pump is in stand-by mode, otherwise they are
in read only mode.
Z2. Visualization of the temperatures measured by the internal unit probes:
• T1 water in:
• T2 water out:
• T3 DHW tank:
• T4 outdoor air:
• T5 DHW comp:
• T6 DHW cond:
• T7 DHW evap:
• T8 solar system: inlet temperature from solar thermal circuit, only if applicable
Z3. Visualization of the internal unit inputs (red on indicates active status):
• FL1 water flow: main water circuit flow switch
• FL2 DHW flow:
• ECO:
• DHW:
• TA:
• FTV1:
• FTV2:
• CO%:
EN - 38
Main circulation pump
DHW domestic hot water circulation pump
Heater 1 (Electric heater EH1)
Heater 2 (Electric heater EH2)
DHW domestic hot water high temperature circuit compressor (only for AQUADUE models)
Boiler (Activation of external source of heat)
Main circuit water pump speed
system water return temperature
system water delivery temperature
domestic hot water reservoir temperature
external air temperature, only if applicable
DHW domestic hot water high temperature circuit compressor delivery temperature (only
for AQUADUE models)
domestic hot water condenser temperature (only for AQUADUE models)
domestic hot water evaporator temperature (only for AQUADUE models)
domestic hot water evaporator circuit flow switch
cooling mode command (terminal 1 of power board, short with L for activation)
heating mode command (terminal 2 of power board, short with L for activation)
desired temperature energy saving command (terminal 3 of power board, short with L for
night function command (terminal 4 of power board, short with L for activation)
request for domestic hot water from external contact (terminal 6 of power board, short with
L for activation)
cooling and heating enabling command (terminal 7 of power board, short with L for activa-
input from photovoltaic or smart grid system (terminal 8 of power board, short with L for
input from photovoltaic or smart grid system (terminal 9 of power board, short with L for
IN / OUT shows IN capacity (supplied by the external unit) and OUT capacity (requested
to the external unit)