LIPROTEC-P Operating Instructions
About these operating instructions
1.1 1.1What do these operating instructions do?
These operating instructions contain information that persons with specific prior knowledge
can use to enable safe use of the Schlüter
instructions contained in these operating instructions require the level of qualification stated
below ( » "Tiler" on page 49 ). These operating instructions do not enable a layman to carry
out the installation and connection correctly, as they do not convey important basic and spe-
cialist knowledge.
1.2 Your individual scope of delivery
These operating instructions describe the Schlüter
scope of delivery does not need to contain all of the components described in these instruc-
tions. Please refer to the indications on the packaging for the individual scope of delivery.
The niche set is supplied with the following basic components:
Niche with sealed cable bushing and sealing collar
LED module (LED tube + mounting profile)
Cable (3 m)
Power supply (15 W)
1.3 Who are these operating instructions aimed at?
These operating instructions are aimed solely at persons with the level of qualification de-
scribed below:
On account of his training, professional experience and continuous professional develop-
ment, the tiler is able to lay and fit floor and wall coverings in living areas and areas with
intermittent humid environmental conditions in accordance with the state of the art. In doing
so, the tiler avoids direct and indirect risks by working in accordance with the requirements of
the applicable regulations.
Due to his specialist knowledge of national laws, regulations and standards in particular, the
tiler is able to ensure that mistakes during laying and material use are avoided. This allows the
tiler to eliminate sources of accidents and therefore avoid personal injury. Through his expert
knowledge of materials and techniques and his ability to put such expert knowledge into prac-
tice, the tiler is also able to prevent damage and consequential damage to the building fabric.
It is necessary for the tiler to have knowledge of the following:
How to lay tiles professionally (also in bathrooms and humid rooms)
How to handle power tools (e.g. impact drill) safely
How to cut to size (including mitre cuts of metal profiles)
How to select compatible material combinations from among adhesives, wall and floor
coverings, and metal profiles
-KERDI-BOARD-NLT niches. The information and
-KERDI-BOARD-NLT niches. An individual