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California Emission Control Warranty Statement; Your Warranty Rights And Obligations; Manufacturer's Warranty Coverage; Owner's Warranty Responsibilities - Scania DC16 Instructieboekje

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California emission control
warranty statement
Your warranty rights and obli-
The California Air Resources Board is pleased to
explain the emission control system warranty on
your 2022 engine. In California, new heavy-duty
off-road engines must be designed, built and
equipped to meet the State's stringent anti-smog
standards. Scania CV AB must warrant the
emission control system on your engine for the
periods of time listed below provided there has
been no abuse, neglect or improper maintenance
of your engine.
Your emission control system may include parts
such as the fuel injection system and the air in-
duction system. Also included may be hoses,
belts, connectors and other emission-related as-
Where a warrantable condition exists,
Scania CV AB will repair your heavy-duty off-
road engine at no cost to you including diagno-
sis, parts and labor.
Manufacturer's warranty cov-
The 2022 heavy-duty off-road engines are war-
ranted for a period of five years or 3,000 hours,
whichever occurs first. If any emission-related
part on your engine is defective, the part will be
repaired or replaced by Scania CV AB.
OPM 300 nl-NL
Owner's warranty responsi-
• As the off-road engine owner, you are respon-
sible for the performance of the required
maintenance listed in your owner's manual.
Scania CV AB recommends that you retain
all receipts covering maintenance on your
off-road engine, but Scania CV AB cannot
deny warranty solely for the lack of receipts
or for your failure to ensure the performance
of all scheduled maintenance.
• As the off-road engine owner, you should
however be aware that Scania CV AB may
deny you warranty coverage if your off-road
engine or a part has failed due to abuse, ne-
glect, improper maintenance or unapproved
• Your engine is designed to operate on ultra
low-sulfur diesel fuel only. Use of any other
fuel may result in your engine no longer oper-
ating in compliance with California's emis-
sions requirements.
• You are responsible for initiating the warran-
ty process. The ARB suggests that you pres-
ent your off-road engine to a Scania CV AB
dealer as soon as a problem exists. The war-
ranty repairs should be completed by the
dealer as expeditiously as possible.
If you have any questions regarding your war-
ranty rights and responsibilities, you should con-
tact Scania U.S.A. Inc +1-210-403-0007.
Scania CV AB 2021, Sweden

California emission control warranty statement


