• Do not dispose of the spent SCR catalytic
converter or its constituent parts into any wa-
terways, storm drains or sanitary sewers.
The SCR catalytic converter contains vanadium
pentoxide, a chemical known to the State of Cal-
ifornia to cause cancer.
Additional considerations when working on the
SCR system
• Carry out work on the SCR catalytic convert-
er in all well ventilated area. Use protective
goggles and gloves if there is any risk of
splashing or spraying of reductant or coolant.
• When engine is running, the exhaust system
parts can reach such high temperatures that
there is a risk of personal injury. Make sure
that the exhaust system temperature has de-
creased to a suitable level before starting to
• The SCR system is heated by water from the
engine cooling system. The cooling system
runs at overpressure and when the engine is
hot the coolant is hot. Do not open any hoses
without first stopping the coolant flow in the
• A P3 type respirator/filter mask or a type
FFP3 fine dust musk, protective goggles and
gloves should be used for any work where
there is a risk of exposure to dust from the
SCR catalytic converter.
• Use a disposable overall and dispose of it
properly after machining.
• Eating, drinking or smoking while working is
not permitted.
OPM 300 nl-NL
• Any dust from the SCR catalytic converter
should be removed using a vacuum cleaner
with microfilter to minimize exposure.
• Make sure that the work surface is cleaned af-
ter completed work; Vacuum first then swab.
• Make sure you clean your hands after work-
ing with SCR catalytic converter to avoid in-
• Work done on the SCR catalytic converter
may generate waste considered by the State
of California to be a hazardous waste subject
to Title 22, California Code of Regulations.
Before disposing of hazardous waste, review
and follow all pertinent federal and California
Scania CV AB 2021, Sweden
SCR catalytic converter