Suggested Recipes
Before you start preparing any food, it is essential to read the "Accessories" and
"Basic Use of the Device" chapters to familiarise yourself with the way that the device
works. This knowledge will then enable you to prepare lots of different dishes follow-
ing any recipes you want.
The temperatures and cooking times speci ed in the following suggested recipes are
guideline gures. As the ingredients differ due to their origin, size, shape and quality, the
settings actually required may vary. It is important to check how the food is cooking from
time to time and adjust the temperature or cooking time. Make sure before serving that
meat and poultry are thoroughly cooked.
Shashlik, Russian style
Resting time: approx. 1 day
1 kg
Pork neck or lamb
Large onion
½ tsp.
1 tbsp.
1 tbsp.
2 tbsp.
Strained tomato(es)
Bay leaves
To taste
Salt, black pepper, cayenne pepper
1. Cut the meat into cubes roughly 2 x 2 cm in size.
2. With the exception of the onion, mix together the rest of the ingredients to make a
marinade and mix with the meat.
3. Allow it to rest in the fridge for at least six hours, ideally overnight. Stir it around a
few times.
4. Chop the onion into rings.
5. Slide the marinated meat and the onion rings onto the skewers.
6. Fit the skewers in the rack and insert it into the cooking space.
7. Start the
"Steaks/cutlets" programme.
8. Press the
button to activate the rotating function.
9. Check how cooked the food is in between times. Adjust the cooking temperature and
cooking time if necessary.
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