12 Accessories
A. Lap strap (short or long)
B. Cane/crutch holder for 2 walking canes
C. Spoke protectors
D. Anti-tip bracket, flip-up
Available power assist systems:
See our website or contact your
Sunrise Medical dealer for more accessories
and spare parts.
13 Additional Information
Notice to the user and/or patient: Any serious incident that has occurred in relation to the device should
be reported to the manufacturer and the competent authority of the Member State in which the user
and/or patient is established.
B4Me special adaptations
Sunrise Medical strongly recommends that in order to ensure that your B4Me product operates, and
performs as intended by the manufacturer; all the user information supplied with your B4Me product is
read and understood, before the product is first used.
Sunrise Medical also recommends that the user information is not discarded after reading it, but it is
kept safely stored for future reference.
Medical Device Combinations
It may be possible to combine this Medical device with one or more other Medical Device or other
product. Information on which combinations are possible can be found at www.Sunrisemedical.co.uk.
All combinations listed have been validated to meet the General Safety and Performance Requirements,
Annex I Nr. 14.1 of the Medical Device Regulation 2017/745.
Guidance on the combination, such as mounting, can be found at www.SunriseMedical.co.uk
Accessories / Additional Information