Logbook and fl ushing protocol
Ill.: 6.6.5: Opening the CSV log fi le dialogue
The KHS Mini Control System have a facility to
be used as measuring instruments. To do this, the
Control System that are connected to a sensor, as
described in Chapter 6.3, are confi gured. Use the
„Datalogging" function to generate, delete and
save the recorded measurement data records in the
form of a CSV fi le on the PC. Up to 12 million
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Data transfer
These buttons can be used to open and save either
the logbook or the fl ushing log. The logbook (event
log) documents the water exchange procedures,
error messages and parameter changes perfor-
med by the KHS mini system control. The fl ushing
log documents all the measuring and fl ushing
lines can be backed up. Click the
button to generate the current CSV fi le, which is
not yet completely full. Click the CSV fi le to open
a dialogue as shown in Fig. 6.6.6. Here you can
select whether the fl ushing log should be saved or
immediately opened. Use the
query as shown in Fig. 6.6.7. Click OK to delete the
selected fi le.
button to open a