Operating modes
To simplify confi guration and to guarantee correct installation, fi ll in the system commissio-
ning overview of the KHS Mini Control System (see https://www.kemper-group.com/oc/busi-
ness-units/building-technology/service/downloads/) before making the settings.
It is mandatory to fi ll in the form to be able to take advantage of the optional factory
The selected times and temperatures serve as examples. The values must always be set for
each building and for each type of use and medium so that representative measurement
values are generated and intended use is maintained for the system.
Confi guring Time fl ushing on A-valve for KHS actuator 230V / KHS CoolFlow 230V
Select type
After a line has been added using
line type is selected. The KHS Mini Control System
in this sample project is connected to an A valve.
To time control the water exchange, the „Time
fl ushing" line type must be selected from a drop-
down list.
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