Operating modes
Routine time
If there is no temperature fl ushing within 7 days,
water exchange is guaranteed
through the „Routine time" operating mode. In
Routine duration
If there is no temperature fl ushing within the con-
fi gured interval, the water exchange is guaranteed
through the „Routine duration" operating mode.
Routine volume
If there is no temperature fl ushing within the con-
fi gured interval, the water exchange is guaranteed
through the „Routine volume" operating mode. To
accomplish this, the decisive interval (max. 168 h),
Routine time
In this sample project, it is cold water. The cold wa-
ter temperature in winter could always be below
the starting temperature. Nevertheless, to prevent
stagnation, routine water exchanges can simulate
operation for the intended purpose. The „Routine"
line type can be selected from the drop-down list.
The desired weekday can also be selected from a
drop-down list. Click in the box of the weekday in
question to activate it with a check mark.
the „Routine time" operating mode, the starting
time, the duration and the weekdays of the water
exchange can be defi ned.
To accomplish that, the decisive interval (max. 168
h) and the duration of the water exchange can be
stored in the „Routine duration" operating mode.
the volume and the maximum fl ushing time of the
water exchange can be assigned to the „Routine
volume" operating mode.
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