Program switch
Note Maintenance!
The two fl ushing programs mentioned above can be switched using the web browser
and can be blocked for maintenance purposes.
Other settings
Device settings
In the „DEVICE SETTINGS" menu interface,
the individual KHS Mini Control System with
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System settings
With the KHS Mini Control System -MASTER 2.1- it is possible to switch
between two fl ushing programs. The programs can be confi gured in the
Operating modes menu interface and the individual Control System can be
added (see Chapter 6.2). If the button for the program switchover is set to
, the external program switching is deactivated. If the button for the pro-
gram switchover is set to
names of the fl ushing programs can be changed with an entry in the related
box. Use the „Current operating mode" drop-down list to manually switch
the fl ushing programs in the web server and to block them for maintenance
purposes. Use the „External input" drop-down list to set the operating mode
of the external input.
The KHS Mini Control System -MASTER 2.1- can activate an internal buzzer
in case of faults. If the related button displays
vated. If the related button displays
Using the drop-down menu you can also customise the language setting of
the control.
, the external program switching is active. The
, the alarm buzzer is not activated.
integrated actuators and sensors are logically
linked to each other.
, the alarm buzzer is acti-