1 Left joystick. Outer boom raise/lower,
telescope extend/retract, platform levelling,
2 Right joystick. Slewing (rotation)
clockwise/counterclockwise, flyboom
up/down, axlelock, outriggers up/down.
3 Main boom raise/lower.
4 Slewing (rotation) CW/CCW
5 Inner boom extend/retract
6 Flyboom up/down.
7 Toggle switch for platform, lift or outriggers.
8 Engine start
9 Engine stop
10 Emergency pump
Option – may not be available for all lift models
Not on all models – can in certain cases be optional
Full-proportional joystick operation of lift – In order to operate the lift, activate the
deadman's trigger (15) and deflect the joystick in the direction which corresponds with
the desired movement. Movement is terminated by releasing the joystick or moving it
back to neutral position. As the controls are full-proportional, it will result in a rather
sudden stop if the joystick is simply released. A calm return of the joystick to neutral
position will result in a soft termination of the lift movement. Note that the joysticks are
only enabled when the deadman's trigger (15) is activated.
Operation of axle lock – When the toggle switch for the axle lock (18) is activated, the
axle lock may be operated with joystick (2). Please note, however, that operation of the
axle lock is not possible unless the lift is stowed in travel configuration. If the joystick is
moved rearwards the axle lock is engaged. If the joystick is moved forwards the axle lock
is disengaged.
Operation of outriggers – When the tpggle switch for the outriggers (7) is activated, the
joysticks cease to be control devices for the lift and become control devices for the
outriggers. Please note, however, that operation of the outriggers is not possible unless
the lift is stowed in travel configuration.
Using the left joystick (1) the outrigger to be activated is selected, while the right joystick
(2) is used for the movements up/down. It is possible to operate the outriggers individually
or simultaneously. If joystick (1) is moved diagonally right-forward or right-rearward, the
right-front outrigger or right-rear outrigger will be selected. If the joystick is moved left,
forwards or rearwards, this will select the left front or the left rear outriggers respectively.
If the joystick is moved directly forwards or rearwards, both front outriggers respectively
both rear outriggers will be selected.
11 Emergency Stop
12 Display of operation of platform levelling and
platform rotation
toggle switch 7 is activated
Display of operation of outriggers
joystick when toggle switch 7 is activated
Deadman trigger.
Display of operation of outriggers
joystick when toggle switch 7 is activated
Display of operation of axle lock
joystick when toggle switch 18 is activated
Toggle switch axle lock
Semi stow
with left joystick when
with right
with left
with right