RM10.5(S)(T), RMS10.5(X)(S)(T)
1. Assemble your DC socket as follows (fig. l, page 13):
– Connect A and C to the positive pole of the battery.
– Connect D and F to Connect D and F to ground.
– Connect B to the D+ signal.
The electronics of the refrigerator uses the signal D+ of the alternator to
detect the running engine. In automatic mode, the refrigerator selects the
most favorable mode available. The refrigerator is only operated with direct
current when the vehicle engine is running.
– Connect E to the CI-BUS.
2. Connect 10 with the S+ signal (optional).
3. Protect the supply line A with a 2 A fuse in the power distribution box of the
4. Protect the supply line C with a 15 A fuse in the power distribution box of the
5. Run the supply line C via an ignition-controlled relay.
This prevents the battery from completely discharging if the engine is switched
off accidentally.
AC power
➤ Connect the refrigerator to an AC socket using the device plug.
Recycling products with non-replaceable batteries, rechargeable batter-
ies, or light sources
➤ If the product contains any non-replaceable batteries, rechargeable batter-
ies, or light sources, you don't have to remove them before disposal.
➤ If you wish to finally dispose of the product, ask your local recycling center or
specialist dealer for details about how to do this in accordance with the appli-
cable disposal regulations.
➤ The product can be disposed free of charge.
Recycling packaging material
➤ Place the packaging material in the appropriate recycling waste bins wher-
ever possible.