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Tabellen Voor Groeianalyse - FujiFilm SonoSite M-Turbo Gebruikershandleiding



University of Tokyo, Shinozuka, N. FJSUM, et al.
"Standard Values of Ultrasonographic Fetal
Biometry." Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics,
23:12 (1996), 886.
Dwarsdoorsnede oppervlakte romp foetus
Osaka University. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and
Gynecology. (July 20, 1990), 99-100.
Vruchtzak (GS)
Hansmann, M., et al. Ultrasound Diagnosis in
Obstetrics and Gynecology. New York:
Springer-Verlag, (1986).
Nyberg, D.A., et al. "Transvaginal Ultrasound."
Mosby Yearbook, (1992), 76.
Vruchtzakmetingen bieden een leeftijd van de
foetus op basis van het gemiddelde van een,
twee of drie afstandsmetingen. Voor Nybergs
schatting van de zwangerschapsleeftijd zijn
echter alle drie de afstandsmetingen nodig
voor een nauwkeurige schatting.
Tokyo University. "Gestational Weeks and
Computation Methods." Ultrasound Imaging
Diagnostics, 12:1 (1982-1).
Omtrek hoofd (HC)
Chitty, L. S. and D.G. Altman. "New charts for
ultrasound dating of pregnancy." Ultrasound in
Obstetrics and Gynecology 10: (1997), 174-191,
Table 5, 182.
Hadlock, F., et al. "Estimating Fetal Age:
Computer-Assisted Analysis of Multiple Fetal
Growth Parameters." Radiology, 152: (1984),
Hansmann, M., et al. Ultrasound Diagnosis in
Obstetrics and Gynecology. New York:
Springer-Verlag, (1986), 431.
Publicaties en terminologie voor metingen
Humerus (HL)
Jeanty, P.; F. Rodesch; D. Delbeke; J. E. Dumont.
"Estimate of Gestational Age from
Measurements of Fetal Long Bones." Journal of
Ultrasound in Medicine. 3: (February 1984), 75-79
Diameter occipitofrontalis (OFD)
Hansmann, M., et al. Ultrasound Diagnosis in
Obstetrics and Gynecology. New York:
Springer-Verlag, (1986), 431.
Jeanty, P.; F. Rodesch; D. Delbeke; J. E. Dumont.
"Estimate of Gestational Age from
Measurements of Fetal Long Bones." Journal of
Ultrasound in Medicine. 3: (February 1984), 75-79
Transversale rompdiameter (TTD)
Hansmann, M., et al. Ultrasound Diagnosis in
Obstetrics and Gynecology. New York:
Springer-Verlag, (1986), 431.

Tabellen voor groeianalyse

Abdominale omtrek (AC)
Chitty, Lyn S. et al. "Charts of Fetal Size: 3.
Abdominal Measurements." British Journal of
Obstetrics and Gynaecology 101: (February 1994),
131, Appendix: AC-Derived.
Hadlock, F., et al. "Estimating Fetal Age:
Computer-Assisted Analysis of Multiple Fetal
Growth Parameters." Radiology, 152: (1984),
Jeanty P., E. Cousaert, and F. Cantraine. "Normal
Growth of the Abdominal Perimeter." American
Journal of Perinatology, 1: (January 1984), 129-135.
(Also published in Hansmann, Hackeloer,
Staudach, Wittman. Ultrasound Diagnosis in
Obstetrics and Gynecology. Springer-Verlag,
New York, (1986), 179, Table 7.13.)


