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Xerox WorkCentre C226 Handleiding Voor De Gebruiker pagina 30

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Andere landen
Parliament, by statute, has forbidden the reproduction of the following subjects under
certain circumstances. Penalties of fine or imprisonment may be imposed on those
guilty of making such reproductions.
1. Current bank notes or current paper money.
2. Obligations or securities of a government or bank.
3. Exchequer bill paper or revenue paper.
4. The public seal of Canada or of a province, or the seal of a public body or authority
in Canada, or of a court of law.
5. Proclamations, orders, regulations or appointments, or notices thereof (with intent
to falsely cause same to purport to have been printed by the Queen's Printer for
Canada, or the equivalent printer for a province).
6. Marks, brands, seals, wrappers or designs used by or on behalf of the
Government of Canada or of a province, the government of a state other than
Canada or a department, board, Commission or agency established by the
Government of Canada or of a province or of a government of a state other than
7. Impressed or adhesive stamps used for the purpose of revenue by the
Government of Canada or of a province or by the government of a state other than
8. Documents, registers or records kept by public officials charged with the duty of
making or issuing certified copies thereof, where the copy falsely purports to be a
certified copy thereof.
9. Copyrighted material or trademarks of any manner or kind without the consent of
the copyright or trademark owner.
The above list is provided for your convenience and assistance, but it is not all-
inclusive, and no liability is assumed for its completeness accuracy. In case of doubt,
consult your attorney.
Het kopiëren van bepaalde documenten kan illegaal zijn in uw land. Er kunnen boetes
of gevangenisstraffen worden opgelegd aan wie zich schuldig maakt aan het
vervaardigen van dergelijke reproducties.
Bankpapier en cheques
Bank- en overheidsobligaties en -effecten
Paspoorten en identiteitskaarten
Materiaal waarop copyright of handelsmerk rust, zonder toestemming van de
Postzegels en andere verdisconteerbare zaken
Bovenstaande lijst is niet uitputtend en er wordt geen aansprakelijkheid aanvaard voor
de volledigheid of nauwkeurigheid van de lijst. Neem in geval van twijfel contact op
met uw juridisch adviseur.
Xerox WorkCentre C226 Handleiding voor de gebruiker

