1. The cordless garden sprayer can work by Makta lthum-on battery cartrdge. Use o any other batteres may
create a rsk o re. Recharge batteres only wth the speced charger. A charger that may be sutable or one type
o battery may create a rsk o re when used wth another battery.
2. When nsertng or removng the battery, always place the cordless garden sprayer on a at and stable surace.
3. Do not use any batteres, attachments or accessores not recommended by the manuacturer o ths applance.
The use o batteres, attachments or accessores not recommended can result n serous personal njury.
Intended use
This pressure sprayer is designed exclusively for spraying the following solutions outdoors and in well ventilated
Natural oils dissolved in water (e.g..neem oil, rapeseed oil).
Fertilizers dissolved in water.
Lquds to be sprayed, partcularly natural ols dssolved n water, must have a water-lke consstency. Lquds o
greater vscosty cannot be sprayed, or only wth lesser power.
Only lqud ertlzers, weedkllers and pestcdes that are approved by the local lcensng authorty n the country o
use may be sprayed. At the tme o manuacture, no harmul eects on the materals used are known to be caused
by these approved substances or natural ols dssolved n water. The ertlzers, pestcdes and weedkllers are only
allowed to be sprayed n the concentratons speced by the manuacturer o the spray solutons. I n doubt, please
contact the relevant manufacturer.
The pressure sprayer s not desgned to be used wth oodstus or to spray lquds that exceed the maxmum per-
mtted operatng temperature o 40 °C. Smlarly, t s prohbted to spray acdc, caustc and ammable lquds whose
ash pont s below 55 °C, as well as mpregnatng agents, dsnectant, pants, varnshes, grease, glazes and syn-
thetically manufactured oils.
Important! Atomzed ammable lquds wth a ash pont n excess o 55 °C are also hghly combustble.
Never use the pressure sprayer
as a ame gun.
for storing liquids.
or substances wth unknown rsk.
The equpment s to be used only or ts prescrbed purpose. Any other use s deemed to be a case o msuse. The
user / operator and not the manuacturer wll be lable or any damage or njures o any knd caused as a result o
9 English