Always be sure that the machne s swtched o and the battery cartrdge s removed beore adjustng or checkng
function on the machine.
Installing or removing the battery cartridge
• Always swtch o the machne beore nstallng or removng o the battery cartrdge.
• Hold the machne and the battery cartrdge rmly when nstallng or removng battery cartrdge. Falure to hold
the machne and the battery cartrdge rmly may cause them to slp o your hands and result n damage to the
machne and battery cartrdge and a personal njury.
• Do not use orce when nstallng the battery cartrdge. I the cartrdge does not slde n easly, t s not beng nserted
• Always nstall the battery cartrdge ully untl the red ndcator cannot be seen. I not t may accdentally all out o
the tool causng njury to you or someone around you.
• Be careul not to pnch your ngers when openng or closng the battery cover.
To nstall the battery cartrdge, pull down the lockng lever, and then open the battery cover. Algn the tongue on the
battery cartrdge wth the groove n the housng and slp t nto place. Always nsert t all the way untl t locks n place
with a little click. Refer to Figure 3.
To remove the battery cartrdge, slde t rom the machne whle pressng the button. Reer to Fgure 4.
Figure 3
11 English
Figure 4