Malaya: Philips Singapore Ltd., P.O.B. 1358 N.T.S. Building, d'Almeida Street, Singapore;
tel. 94914
Maroc: Société Anonyme Marocaine de Télécommunications, Place Lemaigre Dubreuil, Casa-
blanca; tel. 289-75
Mexico: Philips S.E.T., Apartado Postal 24-420, Mexico 7 D.F.: tel. 25-15-40
Nederland: Philips Bedrijfsapparatuur Nederland N.V., Boschdijk VB, Eindhoven; tel. 3-33-33
Ned. Antillen: Philips Antillana N.V., Postbus 523, Willemstad, Curacao
New Zealand: Electronic Development and Applications Co. Ltd., 18-20 Lorne Street, P.O.B.
6415, Te Aro, Wellington; tel. 54-039
Nigeria: Philips (Nigeria) Ltd., Philips House, 6, Ijora Causeway, P.O.B. 1921, Lagos; tel.
Nippon: Philips Products Sales Corporation of Japan, 24-9,3 chome, Nishi-Shimbasi, Minato-
Ku, Tokyo
Nippon: Industrial Development 8 Consultant Co. Ltd., Nikkatsu International Building
Room 420, Tokyo
Norge: Norsk A.S. Philips, Postboks 5040, Oslo; tel. 463890
iisterreich: Philips GmbH, Abt. Industrie, Triesterstrasse 64, 1101 Wien X; tel. 64 55 11
Pakistan: Philips Electrical Co. of Pakistan Ltd., Bunder Road, P..B. 7101, Karachi; tel. 70071
Paraguay: Philips de! Paraguay S.A., Casil la de Correo 605, Asunción; tel. 8045-5536-6666
Peru: Philips Peruana S.A., Apartado Postal 1841, Lima; tel. 34620-40265
Philippines: Philips Industrial Development Inc., P.O.B. 2205, Ermita, Manila
Polska: Przedstawicie;stwo. Firmy Fhil ips W Polsce, ul Wt. Hibnera 5, Warszawa; tel. 629-66
Portugal: Philips Portuguesa S.A.R.L., Rua Joaquim Antonio d'Aquiar 66, Lisboa; tel. 683121/9
Rhodesia: Philips Rhodesian (Privaté) Ltd., P.O.B. 994, Gordon Avenue, Salisbury; tel. 29081
Rwanda: Philips Rwanda S.A.R.L., B.P. 449, Kigali
Schweiz-Suisse-Svizzera: Philips A.G., Binzstrasse 18, Zurich; tel. 051 25 86 10/27 04 91
South Africa: South African Philips (Pty) Ltd., P.O.B. 7703, 2, Herb Street, New Doornfontein,
Johannesburg; tel. 24-0531
Suomi: Oly Philips Ab, Frederikinkatu 4S, Helsinki; tel. 10915
Sudan: Gellatly Hankey & Co. (Engineering) Ltd., P.O.B. 150, Khartoum; tel. 71183
Sverige: Svenska A.B. Philips, Fack, Lidingóyégen 50, Stockholm 27; tel. 08/63500
Syrie: Philips Moyen Orient S.A., P.O.B. 2442, Damas; tel. 18605-21650
Taiwan: Yung Kang Trading Co. Ltd., 6 Nan Kina East Road, 1 Section, P.O.B. 1467, Taipei;
tel 43540
Thailand: Philips Thailand Ltd., 283 Silom Road, Bangkok; tel. 36985-8
Tunisie: Société Tunisienne d'Industrie Electronique et de Télévision, 32 bis Rue Ben
Ghedhahem, Tunis
Tiirkiye: Turk Philips Ticaret A.S., Rosta Kutusu 504, Istanbul; tel. 447486
Uruguay: Philips de Uruguay, Avda Uruguay 1287, Montevideo; tel. 95641-2-3-4
U.S.A.: Philips Electronic Instruments, Neev Product Development, 750 South Fulton Avenue,
Mount Vernon N.Y.; tel. Mount Vernon 4-4500
U.S.A.: North American Philips Co. Inc., 100, East 42nd Street, New York 17, N.Y.
Venezuela: C.A. Philips Venezolana, Apartado Postal 1167, Caracas; tel. 72 01 51
Zambia: Philips Electrical Ltd., Freetown Road, P.O.B. 553, Kitwe
Zambia: Philips Electrical Ltd., P.O.B. 1878, Lusaka