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Sales And Service All Over The World - Philips PM2440 BZ1278 Handleiding



Sales and service all over the world
Algérie: S.A. Philips Nord-Africaine, Immeuble Maurétania, Carrefour de I'Agha, Alger;
tel. 647 200/1/2
Argentina: Philips Argentina S.A., Casilla Correo 3479, Buenos Aires; tel. T.E. 70, 7741 al 7749
Australia: Philips Electrical (Pty) Ltd., P.O.B. 2703 G.P.O. 69-79 Clarence Street, Sydney;
tel. 20-223
België~Belgique: Philips S.A., 66 Boulevard de I'Impératrice, Bruxelles; tel. 13.44.44
Bolivia: Philips Sudamericana, Casilla 1609, La Paz; tel. 5270-5664
Brasil: Messrs. Inbelsa, Rua Amador Bueno 474, Caixa Postal 3159, Sao Paulo; tel. 93-9191
Burundi: Philips S.A.R.L., Avenue de Grèce, B.P. 900, Bujumbura
Canada: Philips Electronic Industries, Electronic Equipment Division, 116 Vanderhoof Avenue,
Toronto 17, Ontario; tel. Hudson 7-5161
Chile: Philips Chiléna S.A., Casilla 2687, Santiago de Chile; tel. 35081
Colombia: Philips Colombiana S.A., Communications Department, Apartado Nacional 1505,
Bogotá; tel. 473-640
Congo: Philips S.A.R.L., 620, Avenue Industrielle, B.P. 2546, Elisabethville; Philips Congo
S.C.R.L., 137, Boulevard du 30 Juin, B.P. 1798, Leopoldville; 52, Avenue des Eucalyptus
B.P. 2020, Stanleyville
Costa Rica: Philips de Costa Rica Ltd., Apartado Postal 4325, San José; tel. 5670
Curagao: Philips Antillana N.V., Postbus 523, Willemstad; tel. Curacao 36222-35464
Danmark: Philips A.S., Prags Boulevard 80, Kobenhavn; tel. Asta 2222
Deutschland (Bundesrepublik): Philips Industrie Elektronik GmbH., Róntgenstrasse 22, Post-
fach 111, 2 Hamburg 63; tel. 501031
Ecuador: Philips Ecuador S.A., Casilla 343, Quito; tel. 30064
Egypte: Resident delegate, P.O.B. 1687, Cairo; tel. 74993
EI Salvador: Philips de EI' Salvador, Apartado Postal 865, San Salvador; tel. 7441
Espana: Philips Ibérica S.A.E., Paseo de las Délicias 65, Madrid; tel. 228 20 00
Ethiopia: Philips Ethiopia Priv. Ltd., Co., P.O.B. 659, Cunningham Street, Addis Abeba; tel. 13440
France: Philips Industrie S.A., 105 Rue de Paris, 93 Bobigny (Seine); tel. 845 28-55, 845 27-09
Ghana: Philips (Ghana) Ltd., P.O. Box M 14, Accra
Great Britain: M.E.L. Equipment Company Ltd., Manor Royal, Crawley (Sussex)
Guatemala: Philips de Guatemala S.A., Apartado Postal 238, Guatemala City; tel. 20607-08-09
Hellas: Philips S.A. Hellénique, B.P. 153, Athènes; tel. 230476
Hong Kong: Philips Hong Kong Ltd., P.O.B. 2108, Rooms 1006/1008 Prince's Building, Hong
Kong; tel. 33728, 28548
India: Philips India Ltd., PIT/S.E. Dept., Dugal House, 169 Backbay Reclamation, Bombay 1;
tel. 245144
Iran: Philips Iran Ltd., P.O.B. 1297, Teheran; tel. 48344-68344
Iraq: Philips (Iraq) W.L.L., IB/2/35 Masbah, Karradah AI-Shargiyah, Baghdad; tel. 98844
Ireland: Philips Electrical (Ireland) Ltd., Newstead, Clonskeagh, Dublin 14; tel. 976611
Island: Mr. Snorri P.B. Arnar, P.O.B. 354, Reykjavik; tel. 13869
Islands Canarias: Philips Ibérica S.A.E., Triana 132, Las Palmas; Castilla 39-41 Santa Cruz
de Tenerife
Israël: Isralectra Ltd., 12, Al lenby Road, Haifa, P.O.B. 1608; tel. 54446, 54300
Italia: Philips S.p.A., Casella Postale 3992, Milano; tel. 69.94
Liban: Philips Liban S.A., P.O.B. 670, Beyrouth; tel. 232303-232458/59


