Flow rate too low
Ball valves on permaLine are
not fully open
Filter cartridge congested
permaLine pump not at full
System hydraulics working
against the permaLine pump
"Flow fault"
Flow rate < 3 l/min
Trapped air in the system
Ball valves not fully opened
Pump defective
Display remains dark
Electronics may be faulty
"Replace cartridge"
Flow rate set too high for
appears, although there
current conductivity
is still residual capacity
Water temperature < 15 °C
Flow direction of permasoft
not observed or incorrectly
Conductivity meter 1 measures
too low a value due to soiling
and the software therefore
calculates incorrectly
Stop - temperature too
Heating water temperature >
65 °C ± 1 °C
Device automatically
A very low conductivity of < 25
enters standby mode
μS/cm is measured at conduc-
tivity sensor 1, possibly also
caused by water back pressure
Conductivity sensor 1 dirty or
Open valves fully
Exchange the filter cartridge
Set pump to constant speed and
level 3
If necessary, install the unit in a
hydraulically different way
See above
(Flow rate too low)
Bleed the system
Check valve position
Check the pump, send it to perma-
trade for repair if necessary
send to perma-trade for repair
Reduce flow rate by 50% via the
power controller on the pump or
connect two permasofts in series
Reduce flow rate by 50% via the
power controller on the pump or
connect two permasofts in series
Connect permasoft correctly or
replace it if necessary
Check the measured value of
conductivity meter 1 with an
external conductivity meter and, if
necessary, clean it
Allow the permaLine to cool down.
Lower the heating water tempera-
ture to a value < 60 °C.
Perform external conductivity
measurement of the water at sam-
pling tap 1 with a handheld meter.
Check the system hydraulics, flush
the permaline and permasoft again
Clean sensor electrodes with a
cloth, replace the sensor if neces-
Electrical systems must be professionally maintained and subjected to a professional test at
regular intervals in accordance with the DGUV accident prevention regulation 3.
The permaline has a visual maintenance indicator in shape of three LEDs. For this purpose,
the time in which the device is in the function "desalination" is totalled and at the same time
a flow rate is registered. At t < 400 h, only the green LED is lit, at t > 450 h green + yellow light
up and from t > 500 h green + yellow + red light up. If the red LED lights up in addition, the
device should be sent in for maintenance. In any case, maintenance of the device is recom-
mended after 24 months at the latest.
Among other tasks, the service includes a visual inspection, leak test, function test, cleaning
and calibration of the conductivity meters, filter replacement, a software update if neces-
sary, and a VDE test according to DGUV regulation 3.
Do not dispose of your old device via the domestic waste. Use the official collection points
for electrical and electronic devices provided by the municipalities or dealers. You are legally
responsible for the deletion of any personal data from the discarded device.
The permasoft PT-PS21000IL and PT-PS28000E desalination units are intended for recycling
and are to be sent to the manufacturer, perma-trade Wassertechnik GmbH, for treatment.
> The product may not be disposed of via the domestic waste.
> Dispose of the product properly or recycle it after the end of its service life.
> When doing so, observe the legal guidelines valid in the country where the product is used.
> Materials used in the product are: Metal, plastic (PE), electronic components.
WEEE Reg. No. DE 91509671