Remove the PT-PS 21000 IL and fasten the PT-PHI between the armoured hoses.
Close the sampling valve PT-PS 21000IL (8) and start without bleeding in the Filter function,
then open the shut-off valve to the heating feed (9).
If possible, adjust the circulation pump of the heating system to the highest performance so
that the stabiliser can be distributed as well as possible in the system.
pH reduction with PT-PH minus
The pH value can be lowered by approx. 1.5 after partial flow treatment of the heating
water with the aid of a PT-PH minus cartridge. These are available in 3 different sizes:
PT-PHminus300 - PT-PHminus600 - PT-PHminus2000.
The pH value is lowered in a two-phase process. In phase 1, the pH value initially drops
spontaneously, while the electrical conductivity increases slightly. In phase 2, the intro-
duced conductivity is then slowly reduced further, while the pH value continues to fall. The
operation time is about 8 hours. The initial conductivity of the heating water should be less
than 100 μS/cm.
The cartridge is used on the permaline in the same way as the PT-PHI cartridge.
Filtration via activated carbon with PT-PS21000ILA
For the extensive removal of organic corrosion inhibitors, antifreeze residues or for the
general reduction of the TOC (total organic carbon, guiding value < 25 or 30 mg/l according
to BTGA 3.003 or SWKI-BT102), PT-PS21000ILA activated carbon filter cartridges can be con-
nected downstream of the mechanical depth filter in partial flow operation. For this pur-
pose, the PT-PS21000ILA filter cartridge is connected instead of the desalination cartridge
for t > 12 h and vented at the top of the cartridge. Since the flow direction is irrelevant, it
can be changed if the flow is insufficient (q < 6 l/min).
Fig. 17
Oxygen consumption with OxRed
With PT-OR20, the oxygen dissolved in the water can be easily removed. In recirculation
mode at T > 35°C, more than 99% oxygen can be consumed, which is then no longer available
for corrosion processes and their sludge formation.
OxRed is filled with a carrier material that is loaded with an oxygen-consuming substance.
When flowing through, this substance is oxidised by the oxygen dissolved in the water, but
remains firmly on the carrier material and thus does not change the water quality.
If oxygen is to be consumed at the same time as desalination, a PT-OR20 must be connected
in series upstream of the permasoft PT-PS21000IL. Observe the direction of flow (IN/OUT).
OxRed remains integrated as long as the permasoft demineralisation cartridge.
Abb. 18