Most common problems
Apart from incorrect installation, the most common causes of problems with an incineration toilet
are handling errors. Note the following:
1. Always use a bag
2. Always start a incineration program after each visit. Even if you "just" peed
3. Never leave the bag with contents for more than 20 min before flushing (the bag starts to leak)
4. Act on service messages immediately:
a) Emty the ashtray
b) Run the cleaning programs
Urine contains large amounts of salt crystals that are harmful to your Separett toilet. Therefore, it is
incredibly important that everyone who uses the toilet follows the user instructions.
Recurring errors
In case of recurring errors, or if you are unable to remedy the error yourself, you can visit our
website for more information.
Other display messages
For other messages that appear in the display, see
Installation / warranty
For the warranty to apply, the toilet must be correctly installed. The installation is crucial for the
well-being and longevity of the toilet. Follow our installation manual and if you have questions
contact your reseller.
Warranty service
If you have a problem with your product with or without warranty, please contact your reseller for
further support.