Incinerating process
To use Family II II, a bag is placed in the trapdoor under the toilet lid. When the visit is finished, the
toilet is flushed by pressing down on the flush handle. Next, a small incinerating program for urine
or a large program for solid waste (and urine) is selected. Even when the incinerating program
is running, you can use the toilet. For the toilet to function optimally, it is important to use and
always start the correct program after each visit.
A incinerating program consists of three parts:
The temperature in the chamber goes from room temperature to 550 degrees. During heating, a
large part of the liquid evaporates. The heating up phase takes between about 30 to 60 minutes.
The time depends on the temperature in the room and how much liquid is in the ashtray. Times
listed are valid for one visit. The time can be extended if several visits to the toilet are incinerated
right after each other.
When the toilet has reached 550 degrees, the incinerating starts and the temperature is then kept
around 550 degrees during the incinerating phase. The time on the programs refers to the time
the toilet must be in the incinerating phase. The default setting for the toilet is set to 15 minutes
for SMALL and 40 minutes for BIG.
When the incineration is complete, the toilet enters the cooling phase. The element turns off and
only the fan is on. The fan cools down the toilet until it is 100 degrees in the incinerating chamber.
After this, the degrees are gradually lowered to room temperature
Incinerating process according to default setting
Heating up time
approx 15-40 min
The fan purpose in the toilet
1. When the toilet is in standby, the fan runs at low power (0.13kWh/24H), which leads to
moisture being vented out of the toilet and preventing cold air from the pipe
2. When a incinerating program is running, the fan draws air through the combustion chamber.
Thanks to this, incinerating is oxygenated and smoke and hot air are taken out of the toilet
through the pipe
NOTE! As long as the toilet is attached to the ventilation pipe the power should be turned on. When the fan spins, it
prevents moist air from getting into the toilet. If the power is turned off the toilet should be pulled out from the pipe and
the pipe plugged to prevent moist air from getting in to the room.
Small program approx 15 min
Large program approx 40 min
1800 W
Incineration time
approx 15-40 min
1800 W
Cooling time
approx 60 min
14 W