The VC120, delivered ex works, converts radio signals to control sig‐
nals for the operation of hard-wired drives. The VC120 can be con‐
trolled with any transmitter from the Centronic control programme.
Please observe these Assembly and Operating Instructions when in‐
stalling and setting the equipment.
Structural modifications and incorrect installation which are not in
accordance with these and our other instructions can result in seri‐
ous injuries, e.g., crushing of limbs. Therefore, structural modifica‐
tions may only be carried out with our prior approval and strictly in
accordance with our instructions, particularly the information con‐
tained in these Assembly and Operating Instructions.
Any further processing of the products which does not comply with
their intended use is not permitted.
The end product manufacturer and fitter have to ensure that all the
relevant current statutory, official and, in particular, EMC regulations
are adhered to during utilisation of our products, especially with re‐
gard to end product manufacture, installation and customer advice.