Installation Guide
Application 0007: 3-pipe system with cooling control via thermal actuators and
common return controlled by reference room thermostat.
Optional: Dewpoint sensor (recommended), Global standby, pump relay and heat demand signal.
Application description
3 -pipe Floor heating system with cooling controlled via thermal actuators and common return.
The Icon™ system controls the heat and cooling demand by activating the corresponding outputs (M1 and
M2). For cooling applications it is always recommended to have a dew point sensor installed in the system
to prevent moisture damage to floor and installations in cases where the relative humidty exceeds dew
point. Four conditions must be true before cooling in a room is allowed:
Reference room temperature must exceed the room setpoint + cooling hysterhesis.
No room has called for heating within neutral time.
The dew point sensor must not be active / no condensation risk present.
The room thermostat must be enabled for cooling (default = enabled).
The Global standby is a potential free input that can be used to remotely put the system in Global away
mode e.g. via an external 3
degree celcius setpoint.
"SET 1" = Set desired cooling hysterhesis for change-over [+2 to +4K]
"SET 2" = Set neutral time that must pass without active heating or cooling, before change-over can be
activated [3-6 Hrs.]
16 | © Danfoss | FEC | 2018.12
Expansion Module for Danfoss Icon™ Master
party GSM module. When global standby input is active, all rooms receive a 15
VIMDE20F / 088N2100