Installation Guide
Application 0004: 2 pipe system with heat pump controlled changeover to
Optional: Dewpoint sensor (recommended), Circulation pump and heat demand signal.
Application description
Floor heating system with automatic changeover for cooling controlled by heat source e.g. heat pump.
The heat pump provides the cooling signal to the Danfoss Icon™ Master, when the heat pump goes into
cooling mode thus activating cooling mode. If connected, the system will control the circulation pump and
it will be turned on when minimum 1 room has a heat or cooling demand.
The heat signal for e.g. a boiler or heat pump is only activated when the system is in heating mode and
minimum 1 room has a heat demand. For cooling applications it is always recommended to have a dew
point sensor installed in the system to prevent moisture damage to floor and installations in cases where
the relative humidty exceeds dew point.
No settings necessary.
Settings on thermostat
Excluding rooms from cooling: To exclude a room from cooling - typically in bathrooms where cooling
would be uncomfortable - go to thermostat and set menu
for further information.
Application test function
Not relevant.
Parts list
Pos. 1
Pos. 2
088U05XX / 088U06XX / 088U07XX
Pos. 3
NC: 088H3110 / NO: 088H3111
Pos. 4
VIMDE20F / 088N2100
Expansion Module for Danfoss Icon™ Master
1 pc. heat pump
1 set Danfoss Manifold (types FHF or BasicPlus or SSM)
xx pcs. thermal actuator, 24 V TWA-A
1 pc. dew point sensor, type CF-DS
. See Thermostat Installation Guide
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